Granular Metallurgy

Parts made from metal granules using 3D printing or gas-static pressing are used for medicine (implants, medical wires, surgical instruments), for aviation (disks, shafts, shells, complex shapes).

Production of metal beads (nickel alloys, titanium alloys, intermetallic compounds et al.) Is becoming popular.

Difficult details obtained on a 3D printer


Surgical instruments

Large impeller

Our projects:

  •  control system of plant for sieving the granules;
  •  control system of plant for filling and sealing capsules.

Plant operation is controlled through an intuitive graphical user interface on the touch panel. Multilanguage interface, under the language of the customer (Russian, English, Chinese, Korean).

Control system of plant for sieving the granules

The plant is intended for sieving in a protective environment of inert gases of granules into specified fractions with ultrasonic cleaning and magnetic separation.

The control system provides:

  • control of functional mechanisms of the system:
    a) Vacuum System: turning on / off the pumps, opening / closing valves and gates;
    b) Pneumatic System: opening / closing hose valves;
    c) Special Equipment: opening / closing of the technological chamber, on / off of the vibrating screen and ultrasonic generator).
  • monitoring and archiving of digital data of system parameters:
    a) Vacuum System: indications of pressure sensors and gauges;
    b) Separation Zone: video channel from the camera and ultrasound parameters, weights of sorted bins;
    c) when using hazardous inert gases — oxygen sensor.
  • introduction of data on the limits of system parameters: vacuum, pressure, weight of the bunker.
  • enabling locks if operator or system actions lead to an emergency.
  • alarming of emergency moments and abnormal situations.
  • monitoring and archiving operator and system actions.

Сontrol system of plant for filling and sealing capsules

The plant is intended for thermal degassing of granules and filling them into a capsule or several capsules.

The control system provides:

  • control of functional mechanisms of the system:
    a) Vacuum System: turning on / off the pumps, opening / closing valves and gates;
    b) Pneumatic System: opening / closing hose valves;
    c) Heating: temperature control in heating zones.
  • monitoring and archiving of digital data of system parameters:
    a) Vacuum System: indications of pressure sensors and gauges;
    b) Heating Zones: temperatures in each heating zone, weight of bins;
    c) Cooling System: coolant temperature;
    d) when using hazardous inert gases — oxygen sensor.
  • introduction of data on the limits of system parameters: vacuum, pressure, temperature.
  • enabling locks if operator or system actions lead to an emergency.
  • alarming of emergency moments and abnormal situations.
  • monitoring and archiving operator and system actions.

Other equipment and control systems NPK Spectr LLC