Production of unique industrial equipment

A large scientific and production potential, constant work and exchange of experience with partners, allow to produce furnaces, machines and systems of the highest class in the shortest possible time, taking into account all customer requirements.


The main direction of production activities of NPK Spectr LLC is carring out research and development, production and commissioning of automatic control systems and non-standard technological equipment.

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    Crystal growth equipment

    Innovative developments for growing crystals of sapphire, silicon, refractory metals and more.

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    Equipment for the purification of quartz

    Development of NPK SPECTR for obtaining high-purity fraction of silicon dioxide SiO2 with purity up to 99.9995%

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    Development of granular metallurgy

    Control systems for plants for sieving granules and for filling and sealing capsules.

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    Workshop control systems

    Specialized engineering automation systems to optimize production.


Development and modernization of equipment for growing crystals

We have a great experience in the calculation and design of high-temperature vacuum furnaces, plants for the growth of various crystals, as well as the modernization of equipment already installed.



Our core principles

The creation of industrial equipment is a complex process. It becomes even more complex when the equipment is unique and specific. Our purpose is modern solutions to complex industrial problems.

  • Customer focus

    We work closely with the client at all stages of product creation. The desire for understanding and openness to dialogue allows to create a truly high-quality product that meets all customer requirements.

  • Complexity

    We provide a full range of services to create a unique industrial plant. Our design office, the state of electronics engineers, the IT department, our own assembly area - we are responsible for each step.

  • Innovation is the key to success

    We strive to keep up with the times and constantly monitor the emergence of new solutions, and actively implement them into our systems. Always have a modern high-tech product at the outlet - our mandatory goal.

  • Scientific development

    We strive to occupy an honorable place among companies developing industrial electronics in Russia and create world-class equipment. We actively cooperate with leading Russian and international research centers.


Latest projects

High qualifications of our employees and vast practical experience allow us to implement projects of varying complexity.