Polycrystalline silicon carbide powder

High-quality raw materials for the synthesis of silicon carbide single crystals of modifications 4H-SIC and 6H-SIC used in electronic devices.

We offer not only growth plants, but also raw materials for carrying out growth processes, namely polycrystalline silicon carbide powder with the following characteristics:

Sample marking


Mass fraction of impurities, not more than ppm:


Al Ti




1.6 2.1


*the impurity composition was determined by the GDMS method (glow discharge mass spectrometry).









** the phase composition of the synthesized product was determined by X-ray diffractometry.

The complex of technological equipment developed by BRC Spectr allows the synthesis of polycrystalline silicon carbide from high-purity quartz and high-purity carbon (graphite). The equipment includes plants for the production of quartz, for the production of graphite, for the synthesis of powder and for its subsequent annealing (removal of excess carbon).

Other equipment and control systems NPK Spectr LLC